When O Amor Natural of Carlos Drummond de Andrade appeared in the wonderful Dutch translation by August Willemsen, I started to dream about a film based on the poems in the book. At first I envisaged a film in which old people would simply read the poems.
Beautiful old people and beautiful poems: that was enough to make an interesting film. But after the research period in Rio de Janeiro, the film project became richer: thanks to the poems I was able to talk to wonderful old people about Drummond, about a part of their life, about - their memories of - sex and love. The poems sometimes functioned as a kind of corkscrew, sometimes as a glass of brandy.
After my stay there, I called the film for myself Love and Melancholy.
- Heddy Honigmann
- Scenario & director:Heddy Honigmann
- Camera:José Guerra
- Sound:Noshka van der Lely
- Editor:Marc Nolens
- Translator poems:August Willemsen
- Producer:Pieter van Huystee Film & TV
- Length: 78 minutes; Format: 35 mm; Premiere: November 1996